The 9Q Method Shows You How

There is too much talk about problems and not enough emphasis on HOW we solve them.

How do we create a more innovative culture? How do we boost our resilience and agility during challenging times? How do we help our people do good while feeling good?

9Q Solutions is your launchpad to personal and organizational mastery. Rooted in the inspirational Japanese concept of Tatsujin, we empower individuals and organizations to ascend towards their fullest potential, achieving personal mastery and companywide optimization.

 Our vision is not only to inspire you to dream about the most extraordinary future but also to equip you with the tools to make it a reality. Our proven frameworks are not just theoretical - they are a practical compass for your journey, harmonizing human and organizational quotients with elements from nature, catalyzing transformation, and unlocking peak performance.

 But we don't stop there. In the realm of 9Q Solutions, AI is not just a technological tool - it's an accelerator for your journey towards Tatsujin. By leveraging AI, we supercharge our ability to learn, adapt, and evolve, expediting our path towards mastery.

 In essence, 9Q Solutions is your compass and dynamic guide on this exhilarating journey of growth and transformation. Our mission is to help you navigate the path towards becoming a Tatsujin - a true master of your life, and an architect of a more beautiful world.

The 9Q Method

9Q Method comprises three primary frameworks that constitute the “how” we become Tatsujin and drive optimal performance and impact in life and business. Each framework consists of simple, easily deployable habits. When these habits are learned and integrated, rapid, and transformative changes occur. The three 9Q Frameworks are:

1.    Flow Framework: Achieving High Performance Through Habits

2.    Grow Framework: Cultivating Adaptability and Resilience

3.    Innovate Framework: Transforming Ideas into Reality

Each framework offers its unique value and collectively, they provide a comprehensive approach to personal and organizational development. They are grounded in real-world application and backed by extensive research and scientific principles. By incorporating these frameworks, individuals and organizations can maximize their potential, enhance performance, adapt to change, and turn innovative ideas into reality.

The 9Q Method is comprised of three interconnected frameworks that are simple to learn and scale, yet provide ongoing opportunities to expand:

Flow Framework: Achieving High Performance Through Habits

Our Flow Framework is a guide to achieving and maintaining a state of high performance, or "flow", characterized by full immersion and enjoyment in what you do. This state is achieved through six daily habits: Ready, Check, Set, Go, Reboot, and Upgrade.

A 10-year McKinsey study discovered that executives in flow are five times more productive. Imagine what might be possible if you stopped focusing on your problems and instead took a little time and energy to boost your flow state.

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  1. Ready: Start your day with an "integrity setup" to prepare yourself energetically for what's to come. This could involve meditation, visualization, or any activity that sets a positive tone for the day.
  2. Check: Regularly assess your energy levels throughout the day. Are you in the Green Zone (energetic and focused), Yellow Zone (distracted or overwhelmed), or Red Zone (reactive and stressed)? This conscious check-in allows you to maintain self-awareness and adjust as needed.
  3. Set: Once you've assessed your energy and found yourself in the Green Zone, set an intention for the next task or sequence of tasks. This focus can guide your energy and improve your efficiency and impact.
  4. Go: This is the state of flow - fully present, focused, and enjoying your work. A McKinsey study found that executives in this state are five times more productive, reflecting the power of alignment and flow.
  5. Reboot: If your Check reveals you've left the Green Zone, use a quick reboot technique to realign your energy and focus. This could be a short meditation, a physical stretch, or a brief moment of mindfulness.
  6. Upgrade: Growth relies on feedback. Celebrate your successes, acknowledge your mistakes, and use real-time data to make better choices going forward. This habit cultivates a growth culture and keeps you at the forefront of performance.

The "WIN" review process is key here: "W" for what's working (celebrate), "I" for what isn't (collect data), and "N" for what needs to change (declare).

For the WIN process, we recommend connecting with different elemental energies for maximum impact. Start with the fire element to celebrate your wins passionately. Then, switch to the water element to coolly assess what isn't working without shame or blame. Finally, embody the earth element to solidly declare what you will change moving forward.

By incorporating these habits, individuals and organizations can enhance their performance, productivity, and overall well-being, and stay in a high-performance flow state more consistently.

"This is the first training program I've taken in 30 years that gave me tools I could use immediately that created wins for myself and my team. Thank you, Dr. Laura and William!" – Debra Delise . General Manager at Analog Devices


GROW FRAMEWORK: Cultavating Adaptability and Resillience

You have begun to achieve positive outcomes based on the training you have completed. To get to the next level of growth, you need to identify and develop new training areas.

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Our Grow Framework is designed to cultivate growth and expansion in a rapidly changing world. At its core is the concept of ATR - Ability to Respond, which reflects an individual's or an organization's capacity to respond to daily opportunities and threats.

ATR is measured across five dimensions - Physical Quotient (PQ), Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), Spiritual Quotient (SQ), and 9Q. Each dimension corresponds to a natural element, connecting us to the inherent adaptability and resilience found in nature.

For instance, a marketing team (individuals or organizations) might face the threat of a fast-paced digital landscape (opportunity/challenge). Their ATR would be determined by their physical health (PQ - staying energized), intellectual capabilities (IQ - understanding digital trends), emotional intelligence (EQ - managing stress), spiritual alignment (SQ - maintaining trust and a shared vision), and 9Q, which optimizes, aligns and integrates all these elements.

Our Grow Framework guides individuals or teams through an assessment of their current quotients, helping them identify performance gaps and inequities. Based on this, we design an ATR expansion program, which includes high-value projects and AI-accelerated training protocols to close these gaps.

This process is based on the S.A.I.D. Principle - Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. Essentially, this is the science of growth: with consistent training, every quotient can be improved and expanded. Just as a muscle grows stronger with regular exercise, so too can our ATR grow with regular practice and training.

By fostering a growth mindset, adaptability, and resilience, the Grow Framework enables individuals and organizations to navigate an ever-changing world and achieve greater impact and profitability. The results we create, in our lives and businesses, will always be a reflection of our ATR. Thus, expanding our ATR is the key to unlocking our full potential.

Why it matters: Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has stated many times that the number one investment an individual can make is in their personal growth and development. The same holds true for organizations in Industry 4.0; the business landscape is changing so rapidly that if businesses aren't constantly growing and iterating, they will soon fail.

"A 9Q practitioner knows that who they are today could never compete against the person they will become a year from now. This holds true for organizations powered by 9Q as well." – Dr. Laura Ciel


INN0VATE FRAMEWORK: Transforming ideas into Reality

The power behind the 9Q Innovate Framework lies in your diligence within the Flow and Grow Frameworks. This is where it all comes together for you and for your team or organization.

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Our Innovate Framework is a six-step process designed to systematically transform ideas into tangible outcomes. This is achieved by harnessing the power of five natural elements at each step - Void, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. Here's how it works:

• Void (Imagine): The journey of innovation begins in the realm of limitless possibilities. For example, a tech entrepreneur might imagine a world where artificial intelligence can predict diseases before they occur.

• Earth (Declare): Once an idea is conceived, we give it form - creating a blueprint or strategy. This could be a business plan for our tech entrepreneur's AI healthcare startup.

• Water (Train): Next, we delve into the 'how'. This may involve inventing new methodologies or tools. Our entrepreneur, for instance, might need to develop a new AI algorithm.

• Fire (Engage): This stage involves investing energy to bring the idea to life. For our entrepreneur, this could mean connecting to “why” this matters and securing funding to develop his AI healthcare system.

• Wind (Do): This is the action stage - where the product or service is delivered. In our example, this would be the rollout of the AI healthcare system to doctors and patients.

• Void (Review): Finally, we reflect and learn. Using real-time data, we refine and redeploy, maintaining our innovative edge. Our entrepreneur might update the AI algorithm based on feedback from users.

The Innovate Framework's structured yet flexible process ensures consistent innovation outcomes. It's not just about generating ideas, but about turning those ideas into reality, thus enabling individuals and organizations to stay at the forefront of growth and innovation.

Why it matters: Innovation is essential for businesses to thrive in Industry 4.0, as it helps them meet customer demands, gain competitive advantage, optimize operations and increase resilience.

9Q Nature Model Overview:

The 9Q Nature Model is a comprehensive framework inspired by the five elements of nature: Void (9Q), Earth (PQ), Water (IQ), Fire (EQ), and Wind (SQ). This unique approach aligns these elements within individuals and organizations to unlock boundless potential, facilitate growth, and amplify impact. Representing aspects like energetic potential, physical health, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and service, these quotients harmonize personal and organizational development for balanced and sustainable growth. The model fosters an environment of continuous learning, adaptability, and innovation, embodying a holistic vision of well-being, productivity, and societal contribution.

  • The 9Q Solutions Framework: Harmonizing Individuals, Nature, and AI

    9Q Solutions is a groundbreaking framework, inspired by the five elements of nature: Void (9Q), Earth (PQ), Water (IQ), Fire (EQ), and Wind (SQ). By understanding and aligning these elements within individuals and organizations, we empower limitless potential, stimulate growth, and maximize impact.

    1. Void (9Q - Energetic Quotient):

    "I am inherently worthy."

    The Void represents the limitless potential and the source of all creation. In the individual, it encapsulates the soul, DNA, and purpose. At the organizational level, it signifies the vision and mission, usually embodied by the founders or the board of directors. Void, with no opposing or complementary element, embodies the archetype of God.

    2. Earth (PQ - Physical Quotient):

    "I am perfectly unique."

    Earth stands for solidity and stability, reflecting an individual's physical health, strength, and vitality. In an organization, it denotes strategic planning, goals, and targets, usually overseen by the executive team. Earth's complementary element is Wind, and its archetype is the emperor, or in modern terms, the CEO.

    3. Water (IQ - Intellectual Quotient/Artificial Intelligence):

    "I am continuously growing."

    Water, symbolizing clarity and adaptability, corresponds to intelligence, knowledge, and skills. Within an organization, it represents intellectual property, technology, and training systems, typically managed by the Research and Development team. Its complementary element is Fire, and its archetypes are the wizard in historical contexts and the scientist in contemporary settings.

    4. Fire (EQ - Emotional Quotient):

    "I am motivated from love."

    Fire, the element of transformation, signifies emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and empathy in an individual. In an organization, it represents engagement, motivation, and sales strategies, usually managed by HR, PR, Marketing, and Sales teams. Its complementary element is Water, with its archetypes being the warrior historically and the artist currently.

    5. Wind (SQ - Spiritual/Service Quotient):

    "I am a gift."

    Wind, embodying freedom and movement, reflects an individual's capacity for service and impact. In an organization, it pertains to operational effectiveness, productivity, and societal impact, usually overseen by operations or service teams. Its complementary element is Earth, and its archetypes are the servant historically and the laborer in modern contexts.

    By aligning these quotients, we tap into our innate energetic intelligence, fostering powerful, enduring growth. The 9Q Solutions framework provides a holistic approach to personal and organizational development, leading to balanced and harmonious growth.