How Organizations Actually Achieve More with Less

9Q: The only fully integrated human-centric solution for aligning energy and strategy to optimize your business with speed and efficiency in the age of AI.

As a professional educator for 27 years, the 9Q Energetic Intelligence Journey is next level training and education for organizations. Not only is the content insightful and engaging, but the design of the learning experience is intuitive, easy to use, interactive and enjoyable. This course is well designed to help companies move the needle in terms of productivity and flow.
— Lynda Palmer, E2B Program Director and Practitioner Faculty of Marketing at Pepperdine University



Our integrated, scalable solutions to the human challenges that leaders and their organizations currently face were developed to meet this moment.

There has never been a better time to invest in new ways of working, leading and being. Elevating the leadership, employees and community surrounding your organization has never been more important or critical to your success.

The 9Q Elevate Method was developed by Dr. Laura Ciel and William Poett, after 30 years of extensive experience, education, research, and testing, provides the frameworks and tools to see immediate and substantial improvements in alignment, engagement, productivity and overall wellness of individuals and throughout the culture – which will lead to stability and prosperity.

9Q is the world's first consulting and education company specializing specifically in energetic intelligence training, designed to prepare you for the disruptions and opportunities of this new age.


Aligned Leaders and Thriving Cultures



Empower people.


Accelerate humanity's expansion in harmony with nature and AI


9Q Solutions provides leaders and teams with a fully integrated method for optimization, success, and positive global impact via simple, scalable and cost-effective solutions.


Because people and purpose matter as much as profits.

Love. Integrity. Service. Play.